Below we’ve listed all sorts of rigor & reproducibility-related tools along with links to relevant landing pages, notes as to whether a given tool is free and open source, and the specific part of the research process for which they might prove most useful. Check them out and spread the word, or submit tools we missed!

TitleDescriptionApplicationOpen SourceFree?
AMSTAR 2Critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews.Literature review
ARRIVEChecklist of information to include in publications describing animal research.Open Science, Reproducibility
DAGittyBrowser-based environment for creating, editing, and analyzing causal diagrams.Study Design, Data Analysis
DMPToolCreates data management plans to help fulfill data management requirements.Study Design
FiddleMatch-making tool aiding in publishing of difficult-to-share data/information.Open Science
G*PowerFacilitates power analysis to calculate appropriate sample size for given study.Study Design
GitDistributed version control system that tracks changes in any set of computer files.Version Control
jsPsychJavaScript framework for creating behavioral experiments that run in a web browser.Study Design, Reproducibility, Version Control
Jupyter NotebookBrowser-based interactive computing platform for reproducible programming & data analysis.Open Science, Reproducibility
JupyterLabWeb-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data.Open Science, Reproducibility
LabArchivesCommercial line of electronic laboratory notebooks.Study Design, Data analysis, Reproducibility
Open Research CalPublic calendar of open science events and meetings.Open Science
PubPeerDiscussion platform for published scientific papers, focused on rigor & reproducibility.Literature review
SciScoreAutomated methods review tool for scientific articles.Literature review
Seek & BlastnCorrect identification of nucleotide sequences.Reproducibility, Open Science
StanPlatform for statistical modeling and high-performance statistical computation.Data Analysis
StatXFinderDecision support tool for appropriate statistical test selection.Study Design, Data Analysis