Konrad Kording

Konrad Kording


An outspoken advocate for open science, open data, and scientific rigor, Konrad Körding created Community for Rigor to develop a user-friendly, open-source educational platform that addresses biases in research, logical fallacies, and reducing confounding variables in research. His research, which combines experimental methods with the application of computational principles, has been both influential and controversial: in 2020 he founded Neuromatch, a non-profit organization focused on promoting equity in the sciences; in 2022 he posted an open letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy making a number of policy suggestions and earning the co-signatures of over 1,000 academic professionals from 33 countries and 240 universities. Konrad holds both a diploma degree and a PhD in physics from ETH Zurich. Prior to his 2017 joint faculty appointments in the departments of neuroscience and engineering at University of Pennsylvania, Konrad was on the faculties at Northwestern University and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Oh, he’s also known for having, like, really, really cool, colorful hair.

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Konrad Kording

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