Community for Rigor is an NIH/NINDS funded initiative that will teach scientific rigor at scale, and we want you to be a part of our community. Together, we can be less wrong every day.
Come say hello at booth #3113!
We’re giving out free coffee and tea at our booth. As you caffeinate, chat with people who are passionate about scientific rigor, test your rigor knowledge with Rigor Jeopardy, demo our activities-in-progress, and get cool C4R merch!
Join us Sunday, November 12th, from 6 – 8 pm, for our networking happy hour!
Rigor champions Konrad Kording (PI, Community for Rigor, University of Pennsylvania) and Megan Hagenauer (Creator of Great Scientists, Great Failures, Michigan Neuroscience Institute, University of Michigan) will host a brief conversation about Community for Rigor to kick off an evening of food, drink, and rigor fellowship!
Find us at Yardbird (901 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC) from 6 – 8 pm!