The various communities listed below serve to highlight tools, disseminate
news, facilitate connection and guidance, and nurture the next generation of rigor champions. They empower, inform, and act as agents of (much needed) change — so be sure to join the discussion and do your part for rigor!

(Did we miss one? Submit it here!)

PREreviewEquity & Training focused community effort to review preprints.
pyOpenSciCommunity of practice dedicated to open science in Python and facilitating peer review of scientific Python packages.
ReproducibiliTeaGrassroots journal club initiative that helps researchers create local Open Science journal clubs at their universities to discuss diverse issues, papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.
Reproducibility For EveryoneCommunity-led education initiative to increase adoption of open research practices at scale.
Reproducibility NetworksNational consortia of open research working groups.
ReproNimCenter dedicated to reproducible computation in neuroimaging research.
rOpenSciCommunity creating R software tools that lower barriers to working with scientific data sources.
The CarpentriesInclusive community of instructors, trainers, maintainers, helpers, and supporters who share a mission to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers.
The Turing WayOpen-source community working to build an online handbook to reproducible, ethical and collaborative data science.