
C4R at SFN meeting

Every year, neuroscientists from all over the world congregate on a major US city to learn from one another.
Kevin Rusch
December 2, 2022

Every year, neuroscientists from all over the world congregate on a major US city to learn from one another. This year the meeting happend in San Diego. Community For Rigor was in attendance and represented by Kevin Rusch and Konrad Kording, with many close friends also making an appearance!

Armed with promises of free coffee and comfy beanbag chairs, we engaged in many fruitful conversations with hundreds of neuroscientists and discussed everything from our definition of rigor to the specifics of how people would like these materials to be taught.

The data we gathered has been invaluable in helping to shape C4R going forward: Among other things, we learned that there’s a lot of demand for materials that are designed for use in lab meeting presentations, and that there are some specific systemic issues people are worried about.

We even got many more submissions to our confession box!

We also got the opportunity to touch base and develop relationships with a range of other initiatives that aim to directly or indirectly improve the rigor in science, some of which we are excited to platform and collaborate with in the future.

Above all, we got a first-person glimpse at both the passion and thought that many scientists in the field of Neuroscience have dedicated to these issues, and at the ways others have tried to address them.

We made a lot of friends who are eager to get involved on a variety of levels, and are excited to get to work with them soon! Keep an eye on the website or follow us on Twitter if you’re interested in hearing more.

Both data-wise and people-wise, Neuroscience 2022 was a resounding success and served as the culmination of our “understand our audience” objective. The popularity of our booth was even pointed out in Spectrum! All in all, it was a great experience.

If you were there and gave us feedback or tasted some of our coffee, thank you! We hope to see you there again next year, when SfN hits the District of Columbia.

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