This February, the Community for Rigor made the long trek across Philadelphia to attend the 2024 annual meeting of the Biophysical Society (BPS) for a weekend of tabling, conversation, and learning that crystallography does not, in fact, involve all that many precious gems.
Thanks to all the wonderful people who came by our booth to talk about rigor, grab and show off Rigorous Raven merch, and test our Road 2 Rigor demo unit, we signed up over 6% of conference attendees to join the Community for Rigor!

This conference also marked the debut of our delightful new banner (we’re very excited about this!), and the return of our prized Rigorous Raven pins! Banner seen below making friends with other Kording Lab members.

We’re blown away by our Community’s commitment to and excitement for learning about scientific rigor. We can’t wait to see you at our March 20th Abstract Workshop event!