Our blog

  • It’s Alive! Upcoming Units this Fall

    The Community for Rigor has spent the past two years hard at work developing educational materials to teach core concepts in scientific rigor, and we’re trying hard to get it right. This Fall, C4R is debuting our first slate of units. Without any further ado, look forward to: Activities from some of these short courses…

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  • Project Update: A Curriculum for Rigor

    Each year of our project, our friends at the NINDS add a new cohort of coLABs to help us make even more units to teach the principles of scientific rigor. Each coLAB brings their own expertise to the table, and their work helps us bridge into new realms of the skills every modern researcher needs. …

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  • C4R is Rigorous and Glamorous!

    This week, the Community for Rigor hosted Rigorous and Glamorous in 100 Words or Less, an abstract workshop for our friends across the world! We had a blast reaching scholars from eleven countries and over three dozen institutions! We’ve shared a recording of the fun to our YouTube channel and written up some tips for…

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